The last few weeks have been so much calmer. I have given the kids a few weeks off homeschooling so they can catch up with friends over the holidays. We have slept in, stayed in our PJs till late in the morning, sometimes even the whole day! We've had picnics by the lake to feed the geese.
We have baked, and been to the library, we have watched movies as a family both here and in the cinema. We have planned and researched our trip - at least the first part, and managed to catch up with some friends.
But it's hard being stuck in a small space with nowhere to go ... just waiting.
Waiting for Geo to tie up the business loose ends that have been tying up funds we'd like before we leave. Waiting for the chance to spend a few days with the van somewhere re-organising and packing shelves properly, etc.Waiting for Geo to finish the work on his truck that he wants done before we leave. Waiting for doctor's specialists appointments which for some reason take months to set up!? Are there that many sick people? Or is there just not enough medical practitioners in specialised fields? I've not had much experience so I'm a bit of a noodlehead when it comes to this stuff. Anyhoo. Waiting for Geo to give the green light - business stuff finished, accounts finalised and sorted, truck and van ready for the road.
In the meantime I am crocheting granny squares, making patchwork blocks out of the leftover fabrics, and if I get some time at my machine tomorrow, I might even make more winter pjs for the kids! It has turned cold up here. For Qld, it's positively freezing. (Having lived in NZ I am aware that Qld freezing is not the same as NZ freezing, ok? LOL)
I am also keen to start making sourdough. Geo says he knows how. (Surprises me not, the man has a surprising amount of knowledge stored in that computer brain of his - must be where my Lil gets it!) So I crocheted a sourdough starter jar cover.
Then a spare one, in case the other one needs washing.
And then I crocheted a coaster for the jar to sit on. (I love crocheting these mandalas - they are like meditation for me.) As you can see, I've been keeping busy. If I had a bigger bank balance I would be driving all over the countryside visiting all my dear ones. But am stuck here on the cold cold Gold Coast so keeping my fingers warm is a necessity!(inbetween freezing park visits to keep the kids worn out!)
Mum's peg basket broke, so I quickly designed up a couple of peg bags that would fit on some leftover childrens coat hangers. I made one for her, and one for me. Hope it will be a nice surprise when she gets back!
We plan to head north the first weekend in August. If we don't leave then we will have to stay somewhere in the van for a few months then go south. Fingers crossed! So many hiccups as we try to make this Round Oz Trip a reality. Then again, we did only decide to do it in January. Most people I have talked to plan and save for years before doing it. We're not the sensible. We're kinda spurofthemoment-crashtestdummies-flybytheseatofourpants-batshitcrazy kind of people.
Hope you are rugged up and warm wherever you are!
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