Wednesday, 30 April 2014

Bunk beds and the kitchen sink!

I love the little details that Geo comes up with!

Geo has built these cool little cubbyhole shelves at the head end of each bunk bed, for things like iPad's, cameras, books, water bottles and other kid-related junk. They have these awesome little LED lights that look very much like old car headlights - they are so cute! He even has USB charger plug thingies - so they can charge the iPad and iPods, and their cameras. I mean, he thinks of everything. The bunks even have whiteboards on one side, so the kids can write on their walls in erasable marker pens ...

The bottom bunk, which will be used mostly for storage, hasn't got a cool cubbyhole. But it does have a piece of the original van's plywood, saved and reused. So that's cool, huh.

The ladder for the kids bunk's went in this week too, but the jury is still out on it. Geo thinks the MDF might not be strong enough to cope with MonkeyBoy antics.  MDF is usually full of formaldehyde so we had hoped to not use it anywhere on the van. 
Might pull it out and use ply instead. If funds allow? We'll see.

The kitchen cabinet framing is now complete, and the sink and stove installed! I LOVE the old stove. It's so 80's, it really takes me back to my childhood era!  The overhead cabinets including the range hood are also completed, and will be all screwed in place tomorrow. Yay!  And the overhead cupboards will come down to sit right on top of this sweet little window. Can't decide whether to put a tea towel rail over it so we can hang tea towels that will double as its curtain, or make a cute frilly curtain ... will have to wait till the kitchen has more character, I think.

The lounge is also coming together, and the plans for the Murphy type bed are drawn up and have been scrutinised. Hopefully they will go in tomorrow.  

Then the last part of the couch will go in, and the layout is complete. After that we sand and paint, sand and paint. Then we can start bringing our stuff in! Getting closer!

I still can't believe how clever Geo is at creating all this stuff with no actual plans/patterns. Working it all out himself. Designing, planning, then building. Clever cookie!  More soon xx

Sunday, 27 April 2014

Slow process

The last few weeks have definitely had their ups and downs!

I've had my hands full so haven't updated progress pics in a while. There are some below, but I will have to do another post soon as the boys have since built more. Once we had the wood, it's been happening quite quickly! This might be a long post, as I'm playing a bit of catch up. So grab a cuppa! 

Big news is that now we are all sharing a bedroom in Mum's tiny flat (yes, all four of us). One Queen size bed and two mattresses on the floor.  Most importantly, we are sharing one wardrobe. Gasp!

Surprisingly, we fit. It's an adjustment, for sure. But we are learning how to respect each other's space more, and how to pick up after ourselves, though of course some of us still struggle with that. Learning how to ask for "space", has been a really interesting life lesson. I think that when we do move into the caravan, we might even find it roomy!

Finances have been tight. Income we expected has not arrived yet, and we've had to constantly compromise and re-prioritise, as the renovations are costly and Geo is having to put other work on hold to finish the van. It's time-consuming, slow going (as he is doing all the work himself) and expensive. The pressure to finish it gets too much sometimes, and I really feel for him. But it is AMAZING what he is accomplishing. He is so clever, he even surprises himself with what he can do! We do have a deadline though, and it is really fast approaching. If its not finished soon ... well, we'll deal with that hurdle if and when we have to.

The Boy has been Daddy's shadow, going to the warehouse each day and helping to build and measure and plan and design and construct ..... the list goes on. If it all gets too much he rides his scooter outside, or the bike. And there just happens to be a park close by. Handy, that. ;) And look, a roof! :) There were some sore arms after that day. I only helped with two panels, and my arms were aching!

The Girl sometimes chooses to go to the warehouse to help too, but mostly she stays with me at Mum's,  walks the dog on the beach and is creating a TV show on her iPad using her Sylvanian Family toys. She is also learning crafts - and has hand-stitched some pretty yellow curtains for her toy caravan ... so cheery! She is reading lots and writing lots too, and will probably have finished all her school workbooks by the end of the month, but as she says, "It keeps my brain busy". Love.

I have been sewing every chance I get - which involves unpacking and setting up and then packing away everything every time. I was spoilt before with my own space for crafting, so it has been good for me and I find I am even more keen to pull the machine out now... go figure.

Loving having my coffee down by the water ... its amazing how every single day it looks totally different. This was taken the other day and the water was CRYSTAL clear. Spectacular. 

I have finished the bunk bed curtains, the curtain for the door, the doona covers and several cushion covers. I have been using the cushion covers as a practise to remember how to insert zips - its been awhile! I feel pretty confident now, so when I get the green light to purchase the upholstery fabric I can whip up the new seat covers in no time at all. We are using aluminium blinds for the windows so we can make the most of the views, but also so we don't get too cluttered up with "booffy" curtains. Pretty sure I just made that word up. ;) 

 I have also made a cover for our bed's headboard out of old jeans - lots of pockets and tabs for storage and hanging bits and bobs ... Can't wait to show you that when it's finished. Also used up a whole bunch of denim offcuts and cut them into triangles, then made a patchwork denim cushion cover! So cool. My first proper patchwork too. It's a bit rough,  I guess. Not quite perfect, but like true patchwork, it was made out of necessity and what was at hand. I love the fact that I made something beautiful out of scraps. It took a day to cut out, and  a day to sew, but was so rewarding. Think I might be addicted to patchwork when we get back! 

Of course, I am crocheting too. And knitting dishcloths. I love hand knitted dishcloths and facecloths. I'll show you them when I have a nice stack. Meanwhile ...

Here's something bright for you. 

I crocheted this mandala the other day. One of those rare moments when I was left alone for the morning and was free to let the creative juices flow ... and when I finished, I still had an hour and a half left ... so I thought it might look good felted. This is the result ...  a perfect colourful trivet! Thick and fuzzy. Great to jazz up the plain grey bench top that will be in our caravan kitchen. Might have to make matching oven mitts ....

But the most wonderful project I've finished is this ...

I finished my Blooming Flower Cushion!

Actually, it only took a few weeks. I just hadn't revealed it yet.  I really enjoyed making it. I love the colours! It was really hard to stop at 30cm wide. In fact I think it is over sized. And guess what, I'll tell you a little secret! It is stuffed with wool! Balls of wool! Enough for a blanket! That's why I'm making cushion covers, see. They are really just ways to hide my yarn stash. But shhh! Don't tell.

I have a few little creative jobs I'd like to finish, while there's time, but my mind is already turning to what to pack, and how to pack it. It's going to be tricky. Especially for a craft packrat like me.

Here's a few progress shots to keep you all happy. I'll try to add more later. :)

Plywood on the walls - walls! Apparently the curves were tricky. I can only imagine!

We had a great time painting the walls as a family. Lil and I did the cutting in, the boys did the rolling. So much fun. And of course, we finished it off with a family swim at the beach - with rainbows overhead! Magical.

Back to painting and sanding, sanding and painting. Meanwhile the old vinyl glue is still painstakingly being scraped off, piece by piece, using a heat gun and a scraper. Slowly but surely....

 This is known as "hamming it up" for the camera. :)

White and fresh! Ready for the floor.

Geof and the kids installed the floor. They said it was like a big jigsaw. Vinyl planks that looks like wood. Gives it a beachy feel, I think. Will be hardwearing and hide the dirt too. I just love it. And look, bunk frames and wardrobes, wiring is ready for the light fittings, and the oven frame and kitchen lower cabinet are being made in the photo below. All from scratch. Amazing. Geo, the builder. What can't he do? 

Promise, more pics to come soon. 

Sunday, 20 April 2014


Easter's here and the van's a long way from finished. Feeling very stressed out. So the antidote? 
No more deadlines! From now on, we do what we can, when we can.

Enjoy your long weekend. 

We're not religious and it feels strange to send Christian wishes on a very sacred holiday for those who believe.  But I do wish everyone a wonderful long weekend, and hope you are lucky enough to spend it with family. Happy Spring to all those in the North. For us Southerners, Easter means the start of the cooler months. So, Happy Autumn everyone! 

Let's celebrate with chocolate. Fair Trade Chocolate where possible, of course. :)

We give thanks for our bounty and recognise that the dark times are necessary for the light to really shine.

Wednesday, 16 April 2014


School holidays here again! But this time, for us, school holidays are until next year! Woohoo!

No more daily lunch boxes, fundraising raffle tickets, meetings, assemblies, uniforms and school bags! 

Did you hear me? WOOHOOOOOOOO!

The school holidays have so far been a blur. We have had to reorganise and resettle into the new warehouse, try to paint and prepare the van and build all the cabinets and cupboards, pack and reorganise Mum's flat to fit 5 of us as she'll be home soon. We haven't completed everything on our list but we know we'll get there eventually! We have tried to have lots of beach breaks and swims while it was still warm enough! Also, the kids start to drive me mad if they don't have a chance to run and stretch their legs!

Already the nights are cooling down. Well, slightly!  We have also tried out a bit of homeschooling practise and found that what we had initially hoped to do (the school of the road approach) wasn't going to work with The Boy. When left to his own devices after being give a task - well, he just ... doesn't!!  He also found the "no limits" too distressing, and acted out (as is his way) as he was too unsettled. He needs clear boundaries and more help. So, another reset. We bought a stack of workbooks and will have to spend a few mornings a week sitting down with him in a one-on-one situation. So far, so good.

As for The Girl, she cried over missing out on Naplan, so we bought her the practise books anyway, and she sits down each day to complete tasks of her own accord. Lil's such a natural student but possibly slightly deranged. Just my opinion. ;) And possibly the Boy's opinion too. ;) I mean, crying over getting out of a three day test? Really?

Lots of school holiday fun here though, with secret clubs and movie breaks, lots of craft and of the course the latest craze - loom bands!

Thursday, 3 April 2014

Trusting the plan

It's not an easy road we are walking right now.

We have taken a big risk, trying to make the most of a crappy situation, and it is a struggle.

Our decision to renovate an older van instead of buying brand new was motivated from a sense of environmental responsibility and consumer activism. Every choice has been made with these questions in mind:

  • Can we save it?
  • Can we re-use it?
  • Can we do without it?
  • Can we make something with what we already have?
  • Can we buy it secondhand?
  • Can we source it locally?
  • Can we buy Australian made?
  • Can we buy a quality product that will last?
So far, we have managed to uphold these values. But our van, which was originally only in need of a paint job and minor re-upholstering, has since been completely gutted and requires major and extensive, often expensive, repairs.

Thankfully the mechanics of the van are in good condition - as far as I know the chassis and the A frame and the undercarriage etc are all in good working order. We would like to put new tyres on for safety's sake. Wish we still had the farm at times like these, we could re-use the old tyres/wheels in the garden! Anyone want some tyres for a garden bed? They grow great potatoes! If not I will donate them to Gold Coast Permaculture, as I'm sure they will use them!

And of course, we have had several minor financial hurdles crop up which has meant funds have been low. And I mean .... LOW.  So we are compromising on more and more for our trip, and prioritising what we need now, and what we can do later. It's been stressful, to say the least. 

I can't help feeling that it's actually a good thing.

Sometimes we all need a reminder to spend less, do without more, and think about our purchases before we buy.  Don't you agree?

We are behind two weeks in our schedule. Geo has been exhausted, working two and sometimes even three jobs around the clock while also trying to work on the van. Stages have been dependant on funds flowing in, and time uninterrupted by work commitments.

This weekend just gone was supposed to be a solid two day vanfest, with no other commitments on the calendar so we could spend all weekend building the cabinets and installing the ceilings and wall. 

But things never work out the way you plan, do they?

No funds last week meant we couldn't order in the timber we needed, and then we had some interpersonal problems with the owner of the warehouse we were working out of. He thought it was fair to double the rent without notice and demand it immediately with threat of violence to our possessions. 

So we moved into a new warehouse space at Ashmore over the weekend. We are forever grateful to our mates who have helped us though all this - we will never forget. You have really stood by us in a crazy hard time in our life and it means the world. 

The new space is smaller, and didn't have the power connected (hopefully Energex have turned it on today) but it is ours for a month with no threats and unannounced visitors demanding cash out of the blue. And it just so happens to be right next door to a classic car detailer and spray painter! With a spray booth! If time and funds allow we could really take advantage of that! It's almost "meant to be". ;)

So sometimes things happen for a reason. Sometimes, the universe pushes you away from something and toward something else. You might not be able to see why at the time, but soon it will become clear. And I am grateful! Grateful for our new space, grateful for the opportunity for rest, grateful for my wonderful family who make every day amazing. Grateful for the reminder to trust the plan and to believe. Grateful for our privileged life. 

I say: Live your Life intuitively! and with an open heart! Relax and ride the wave, for it is pushing you toward your destiny. 

I am dreaming of the day we all lie in the shade of the trees and look out at the open horizon and sigh. Not a sad sigh, or a disappointed sigh, but a contented, relaxed, all-is-right-with-the-world kind of sigh. 

In spite of everything this last week, I feel content. I feel that we are where we are supposed to be. And I'm grateful for this journey.